Monday, July 16, 2012

This is a video of "An Enemy of the People" trailer for a theatrical play. It shows how Dr. Stockmann is a true enemy of the people in the town's eyes.
ACT V. Everyone is doing the same thing because no one dares to be different. I don't understand why people can't take the risk of being different and supporting the doctor. Just because everyone isn't agreeing with the doctor doesn't mean they have to throw stones through his window. The supervisor fired Petra? She has nothing to do with her father's proposal! Even Captain Horster is given notice. It seems like everyone who has associated with Dr. Stockmann is getting fired from their jobs. I saw it coming that the doctor was going to lose his position as medical officer of the baths. I wonder if the price of the stock will grow once they get fixed. If so, Morten Kiil will be very rich. Now Hovstad and Aslaksen are back? I think they just want to be on the good side of the mayor so they do what he says. It's not a very good idea for the doctor to stay in town with his family. The statement that Dr. Stockmann makes at the very end of the book was a good way to close the story. Dr. Stockmann sure does stand alone and is strong for doing so.
ACT IV. Wow, I didn't think Dr. Stockmann would be able to get a place to hold his town meeting! I'm very surprised he did. I still don't think that this meeting will end in being able to fix the baths. There are too many people against the idea and the mayor won't allow it. I wonder why Hovstad, Peter Stockmann, and Aslaksen are not seated together because the mayor is the one who switched their opinions to be the same. Although the mayor runs the town, I don't think it was very fair for him to start off the meeting by stating the doctor is out to ruin the town. It was Dr. Stockmann's meeting, so I didn't understand why the mayor and Aslaksen began the meeting. Dr. Stockmann became really angry, and I can understand why. The authorities were saying he was an enemy of the people and he is out to destroy the town. The doctor is just trying to fix the baths so they aren't poisonous. Why is the drunken man even in the meeting? I thought there would be people guarding the door to not let people in the meeting. Dr. Stockmann was right about the town being poisonous because they are trying to cover up the toxic baths because of the finances. Although Dr. Stockmann had a point about the town, he did get a little carried away explaining. The doctor had to expect to be yelled at by saying that stuff about majority is the real enemy. What does Dr. Stockmann mean about being a freethinker? I didn't really understand that. I don't think printing the article in other towns will help with this town, but the doctor is willing to do anything it takes to fix the baths. Dr. Stockmann being declared as "an enemy of the people" is going to hurt his reputation as well as his family's.
ACT III. The picture above represents the "People's Messenger" office where the third act takes place. When Dr. Stockmann arrives in the office and is greeted by Hovstad and Billing, they seem confident to make the doctor's plan succeed. I wonder why Dr. Stockmann left. Did he go home to his wife for something? I can't believe Hovstad and Aslaksen are only using the doctor. But, why? And what does it do for their benefit? Now Hovstad and Billing want to get rid of Aslaksen. I can understand why because he always seems to have a bad attitude and wants things to go exactly his way. I wonder how Petra knows how to translate the English paper. She could get a really good job for translating. Then the mayor suddenly enters into the office. It's amazing how the mayor can change the minds of Hovstad and Aslaksen that quick. They were both so confident, then the mayor comes in switches everyone's views. Why are they trying to hide the mayor? That is very sneaky. I wonder how long it takes to print an article and how many copies they make. Why is Mrs. Stockmann in the office now. It seems like everyone is coming to the office. Is Mrs. Stockmann embarrassed by her husband and worried by carrying out his plan he will ruin his family? Dr. Stockmann shouldn't have put on his brother's hat. That was rude and he could lose a lot of respect for that. This idea is spiraling downhill and probably won't pull through. The town meeting will most likely make things worse.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

This picture represents the scene in the living room where everyone comes to discuss things with the Doctor. ACT II is set in Dr. Stockmann's living room. With the support of mostly everyone in town, Dr. Stockmann should be safe with his plan. It seems like the important community leaders are backing him up 100%, and I think his plan should come through. Why is Hovstad saying that stuff about Aslaksen? I thought they were good partnering friends in the publishing business. Things must go around town fast because Morten Kiil knew about the baths. Is he Mrs. Stockmann's father? Peter Stockmann, the mayor, finally visits Dr. Stockmann. Did Peter expect Dr. Stockmann to check with him before he ran tests on the baths? It's for the benefit of the town. I can't believe the mayor won't allow the baths to be cleaned because it will just lead to more diseases and illnesses. The town could get a bad reputation from dirty bathing facilities too. Dr. Stockmann got worked up when Peter kept telling him the economy would be ruined from fixing the baths. I would be mad too because it's only benefiting the town. Petra seems to stick up for her father, but I wonder if she will stand by his side. I never thought a simple proposal to fix the baths would end up in such an argument.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

 Above: Picture of the poisonous truth of the toxic baths. Below: Toxic water of the baths.
I just started reading An Enemy of the People, and it's very useful that the beginning introduces all of the characters and states the setting. I found it helpful knowing who some of the characters were. The first act had a very detailed description of the scene in the play. The play is a very different layout than all the books I have every read; every character's name is written before their speech. There was a lot of characters introduced from the beginning. Billing, Mrs. Stockmann, Peter Stockmann, Hovstad, Captain Horster, and Dr. Stockmann were all presented quickly after the book was started. It seems that Dr. Stockmann's house is where all the important people come to discuss things. The men had long talks about their community going into detail about the infected baths. I wonder what Dr. Stockmann will do to solve this problem.